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The Nieva Family Tree
Preliminary Tree — Version 1.03
Antonio Nieva
Maria Teresa Yusay Feria
Maria Veronica Nieva
m. Stephen Ettinger
Jonathan Andrew Ettinger
Kenneth Eric Ettinger
m. Kyla Chapman
Maria Vicenta Nieva
m. Emil Quinto
Eduardo Antonio Quinto
m. Traci Morinaga
Cade Quinto
Wyatt Quinto
Nicolo Francisco Quinto
m. John Brown
Maria Violeta Feria Nieva
m. Mariano Arroyo
Manuela Alexandra Arroyo
m. Thelmo Cunanan
Mariano Antonio Jr Arroyo
Juan Antonio Feria Nieva
m. Irene Casus
Paolo Nieva
Monique Nieva
Franco Nieva